Howdy👋 I'm Seth

I'm a video editor, creative, tinker-er, husband, and dad.

Going On Now

Check out my Now page to see what I'm up to.


Check out my photo gallery which is very much in beta at the moment.

Recent Blog Posts

Write Things Down - june 11, 2024

Using an iPod in 2024 - march 21, 2024

Current Thoughts on Use of AI Genreated Images - march 14, 2024

You Should Deoptimize - from the archives

See All

What I'm Reading

Give me a follow on GoodReads and let's be book friends.

Guest Book

Sign the guestbook weary traveler.


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Site Dev Log

aug 02, 2024
* Updated base font color to a brighter white for better    legibility and contrast.
* Added guest book section, much wow such vintage.
* Added stand alone blog page and updated copy to reflect that.
* Updated logo/header throughout entire site.
* Added a photo page which is very much in beta

july 29, 2024 Updated now page. Swapped out hand built books pages for Goodreads profile link. Updated header image throughout site. Added Google Analytics tracking sitewide.