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What I'm Up To

updated from Tulsa, OK - 20240508


For the last 5-6 months I've been working up to running a few times a week. I recently completed my first 5K race. It's been really interesting to approach running as a sport of its own; especially having grown up with it usually being a punishment/conditioning for other sports. Anyways if you too are running from your existential dread or just trying to be healthier; give me a follow on Strava

Listening to Music on a iPod Again

I recently got my hands on a used iPod Classic 5th Gen, and I dove into upgrading the hard drive and installing RockBox. If you’d like to read about the details check out my post here.

Tinkering with Linux

I've really been enjoying diving into making my online presence more "hands on" over the last few months. I'm loving tinkering with this site and begginging to program a little bit again. Going down the open source rabbit hole landed me on running Pop!_OS as my daily driver laptop opperating system. I'm planning on making a post here about my experiences so far here soon! *will update this block when it's posted*